Friday, January 29, 2016

WrestleMania Predictions and Fantasy Booking

The annual road to WrestleMania is officially underway. The Royal Rumble has come and gone, leaving us with a new World Heavyweight Champion in Triple H and possibilities for new and (possibly) exciting match-ups at Fast Lane and the big show in April. AJ Styles has made his debut, following rampant speculation following his loss to Shinsuke Nakamura at Wrestle Kingdom. The Wyatt Family may have made a dangerous enemy in Brock Lesnar during the Rumble match. The Rock has announced he will "be involved" with WrestleMania in Dallas, but to what extent, we do not know yet. Even down in Florida, potentially big things are going down for WWE's NXT brand with Sami Zayn turning up in the Rumble and a red-hot main event scene with killers like Samoa Joe in the hunt. The year is off to an interesting start to say the least, so let's hash it out and see if we can't put a possible WrestleMania card together. It's time to play armchair booker!
In a few weeks’ time at Fast Lane, WWE's next PPV event, former champ Roman Reigns will meet Rumble runner-up Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar in a triple threat match to determine a new #1 contender. Who should be "the guy" to face Triple H at 'Mania? Roman kinda needs to confront Triple H one on one following the arc of the last few months. Triple H is the fighting figurehead of the Authority, and Roman can get the comeuppance he was denied at last year's WrestleMania. Roman was looking good attacking Triple H in his business suit and trading verbal barbs with Vince, but I can't say with confidence that the fans are ready to embrace him as The Face Who Runs the Place. Dean got a big pop when he almost won the Rumble, and his rise to fan favorite status has felt more organic than Roman's since The Shield broke up in 2014. Dean vs. Triple H does seem like something we'll see in the future, but I don't think it's a 'Mania main event. Brock vs. Triple H is a safe match, but I expect Brock to get screwed by the Wyatts or the League of Nations during the match. My prediction (and hope) is that Roman Reigns goes over in the triple threat and has the big title match he was denied last year.
Or Seth Rollins could show up again and ruin it for him. That would be pretty funny.
For a strong opener, to our imaginary WrestleMania card, I'll nominate Kevin Owens vs. A.J. Styles. This feud can easily spring from Owens eliminating A.J. from the Rumble match, and his ensuing jabs at him on the mic. Owens can easily slip into bashing A.J. for "stealing his thunder" or whatever, and boom!, you have a solid rasslin' match for the show of shows. This can (hopefully) shut up the IWC peeps who come out, as you're pairing two ultimate Indy darlings against one another. Give them 15-20 minutes. You won't be sorry, WWE. Both men had great showings in the ring this week as well, with Owen and Dean Ambrose putting on one hell of a match at the Rumble and A.J. making his singles debut against Chris Jericho in a solid match on Raw. They seem to be focusing on A.J.'s offense rather than any character gimmick, which is the best way to go. A.J. can cut a promo with the best of them, but not when he's having to play a character.
With Roman taking the #1 contendership in my prediction for Fast Lane, that leaves the Beast looking for a foe. I think Brock vs. Bray Wyatt has potential, as both parties have a solid presence on the mic and in the ring, thanks to Bray's army of hosses and Paul Heyman advocating for Brock. Brock can do lots of power spots against Bray's goons. Bray can get a win here against one of the last truly threatening personas in the 'E. This is middle of the show or co-main event for me.
We know the Rock will be involved at WrestleMania, but we don't know how. This is an outside-the-box kind of guess, but after seeing him interact with The Usos on Raw, I'd propose a six-man tag for mania pitting The Rock and his cousins against The New Day. Like the potential Wyatt/Heyman stuff I mentioned before, this match could build on the mic like no other on the card. New Day antics vs. The Rock's very presence will get the arena back into the show at any point in the show. The added bonus is the faces can win here without getting the belts from The New Day, preserving the proper title rubber match for some point in the future.
Of course, the path already set by WWE for the Diva's Title needs no proofreading from me. Charlotte is transitioning from fighting Becky to fighting her old nemesis Sasha Banks, but now the face/heel roles are reversed. Given time and freedom from overbooking, a match between these two will represent the best that WWE's women have to offer on the biggest stage the promotion offers. Nothing but admiration for both ladies, and I can't wait to see what Daddy Flair does ringside. Ric Flair is always a hoot.
To get some more of the WWE regulars on the card, I'll turn to the old WrestleMania standby: the Money in the Bank ladder match. This match will suffer from the loss of Kofi (since he's in my imaginary Rock/New day match), but to fill the void and get people talking, we'll call up Sami Zayn from NXT. Dean Ambrose is here, still fuming after coming so close to the title two times in a row. Dolph Ziggler is a given here. Chris Jericho can go on and on about inventing the damn thing. To fill out the heel side, the League of Nations enter the match, promising to work as a unit and get Sheamus the briefcase, but with egos like Alberto Del Rio's in play, the team dissolves. I'd give Dean or Del Rio the briefcase.
For the last match, I'd like to offer up something that probably WILL NOT happen, but I think is a cool idea. At the big shows like 'Mania and Summerslam, have an NXT title match. And since we're into full-on fanfic mode here, I's like to see Finn Balor defend his title in a fatal four way with Samoa Joe, Baron Corbin, and Apollo Crews. I expect these three to pretty much make up the NXT title scene in a few months’ time, so the lineup seems right to me.
That's seven matches I would be legit excited for and don't seem out of the realm of possibility. I saved the eighth match for last because I think it should close the show and if rumors of Undertaker retiring sooner rather than later are true, where better to have it than a WrestleMania in Texas. The last match should be The Undertaker vs. John Cena. I throw this one out there for no other reason than these two haven't had an issue in many, many years and Cena has come a long way from his old Thuganomics persona. Cena will be booed mercilessly, and The Undertaker can dissect him with all of his signature moves. Then Cena is on the rebound; both men prove unbeatable. Undertaker finally seals the deal with a desperation choke slam or tombstone pile driver, proving one last time that the Deadman is synonymous with WrestleMania and yadda yadda yadda. I know Rock vs. Taker might make more sense, or even a returning Seth Rollins vs. Taker, but I'm a mark at heart and I like the idea of Cena taking him on more than his other potential challengers.
So let's recap. My Fantasy card for this year's WrestleMania (from top to bottom) is:
John Cena vs. The Undertaker
Triple H vs. Roman Reigns
The Rock & The Usos vs. The New Day
Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks
Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt
Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sheamus vs. Rusev vs. Wade Barret vs. Alberto Del Rio
Kevin Owens vs. A.J. Styles
What do you think? What matches would YOU like to see this year? Hit me up on Twitter at @ChrisBComics and thanks for reading!

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