Thursday, December 10, 2015

Howdy, Grapplers!

With this blog, I'm going to chime in on the lastest wrestling news, rumors, and results that interest me. I've got a variety of content in mind and a lifetime of watching and analyzing the artform of professional wrestling to hold this whole thing aloft. As a warm up, let's scan the interwebs for some wrestling headlines:

TNA has been in dire straights for a while now, and the recent move to Pop TV and the loss of several key talents haven't been encouraging to fans of the brand. But . . . if you're interested in seeing what direction the floundering promotion plans to take with their main event scene, then the matches scheduled for their live January 5th show might interest you. Matt Hardy will take on Eric Young and Bobby Lashley will take on EC3, with the winners facing off for the world title.

Bret Hart and the WWE are at it again, this time throwing down over the Stampede Wrestling episodes the 'E has been showing on their network. Hart owns the episode he's featured in, but various claims from both sides indicate this matter may be taken to court. Oh, who are we kidding? Of course it will be.

Daniel Bryan warns that his wrestling days may be done, but his career with the 'E is far from over in a recent interview. Even if his neck issues keep him from being on the active roster, his skill and experience in the ring should be treated as a precious resource by management, especially with so many green guys making their way up through NXT. Any old timer will tell you the death of the territory system has negatively impacted the quality of the work in-ring overall, and having a hand like Bryan around who forged his own path before working within the WWE system to work with younger guys should be paramount.

Speaking of the 'E, this year's TLC event is in just a couple of days. The promotion has taken hits recently for falling ratings and the rather predictable route things took following Seth Rollins's injury and Sheamus cashing in on long-term project Roman Reigns. These gimmick-laden PPVs usually struggle in this PG era, but two big hosses like Reigns and Sheamus could put on a hard-hitting main event if given the time and booked to look strong. Expect the League of Nations (which I should be more excited about) to pick fights and set up storylines to get everyone to the Royal Rumble next month.

That's what caught my eye this morning. Expect frequent updates like this one where I may give my two cents on the news or a recent storyline. Also, I hope to cover events like the aformentioned TLC show in more detail. I might even dive into the network and look up some of my favorite classic matches.

Peace out.

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