Friday, August 12, 2016

That purple show and that yellow show

There's a lot more to the WWE than just Raw and Smackdown these days. If I were to travel back in time and tell my younger self about the sheer excitement I get nearly every week from watching NXT or how the Cruiserweight division was not only back, but starring in its own weekly show with a tournament format, I'd swear that I was pulling my own leg.

The Cruiserweight Classic or "CWC" has been quite an entertaining little program for the last few weeks, with each episode featuring a succession of quick matches designed to give us a little insight into the international cruiserweights and a chance for them to display the kind of offense you don't get to see much on the main roster. (Although I will say that is changing thanks to new faces like Sami Zayn and Finn Balor.)

This week, the tournament began its second round of matches and we were treated to two longer matches instead. I hope this is the format going forward, with episode length matches in the next round and a huge payoff at the next NXT special or even on the Raw brand.

Tajiri vs. Gran Metalik was the "WWE style" match of the two, with the usual in-and-out of the ring hijinks that can bog down two less than prepared workers. Fortunately for us, Tajiri is a craft ring veteran and while I'm not terribly familiar with Gran Metalik, he seems to know his way around a squared circle as well. Metalik advanced in the tourney after a Metalik Driver, which looks a lot like Zayn's Blue Thunder Bomb. Hmmm . . .

Kota Ibushi and Cedric Alexander had the ROH/NJPW burn-down-the-house style match that indy fans and "smarks" crave. They even got a "fight forever" chant, which is quickly becoming the new "this is awesome". I've followed both men in other promotions, but personally I'm leaning toward Ibushi to win the CWC, since I think he might be the biggest international signee since Shinsuke Nakamura. Seeing as he came out victorious against Cedric this week, I'd say he has a shot.

Let's move from the purple show to the yellow show for a bit.

NXT has evolved into so much more than just a "third show" or even a talent development program. It's a rival to the WWE itself from within the 'E, and that's pretty incredible. For a hot minute there last year, NXT's big programs were overshadowing the stuff on the main roster, as least as far as I'm concerned. It's become THE pure wrestling show, with its production values eclipsing Ring of Honor and its year-round schedule keeping it in view when Lucha Underground hibernates between seasons.

Currently, Samoa Joe is scheduled to face Shinsuke Nakamura for the NXT Title at the next Takeover special. Until this week's show, I was lukewarm about the feud itself, even though the match will surely be great. This reminds me of how I felt about the Charlotte/Sasha stuff on Raw. I should feel something more, but I just don't. Nevertheless, this is most likely going to be the first of a series of matches and they'll all be good.

The question is: Who's going to one of the main rosters first? Joe or Shinsuke?

The NXT Women's title feud between Bailey and Asuka picks up the slack for me. Bailey's anguish is palpable, and Asuka's leering has gradually gone from cartoony to threatening and disrespectful. Asuka's inner monster is coming to the surface and it'll be interesting to see the crowd split over these two fan favorites.

That's just the surface of NXT, but I have to save some for tomorrow. What else is there to write about? As always, thanks for reading and follow me on Twitter (@ChrisBComics) if you dare!

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