Sunday, August 14, 2016

When you like something so much you just wanna hear people talk about it

I don't know about you, dear reader, but podcasts are one of the few day to day things that keep me from sticking my head in the oven and sucking in what comedian Richard Jeni once referred to as "the brown wind of doom". Pro wrestling is another one of those things. Make-pretend stories about conflict writ large somehow help take the edge off. Merge those two in an effective way and I'm in hog heaven. Here's a few that I make time for each week, and through the use of HYPERLINK technoloogy, you too can join in on the listening party:
The Ross Report

Legendary wrestling commentator and BBQ enthusiast Jim Ross hosts his own show on the Podcast One network every Wednesday. If you only know him from his days at the announce table, then you might be surprised at what and insightful and downright funny guy he can be. His obvious connections in the world of pro wrestling grant him access to top shelf guests, both from inside the ring and out. His interviews are always a pleasure, and he knows how to get good, earnest conversations out of his guests. The main draw for me, however, is the preamble that comes before every interview. Ross always gives his two cents on things in the WWE and beyond, and his advice for aspiring wrestlers is always worth listening to. He prioritizes storytelling over high spots, and considering his many years in booking and talent relations, you never feel the urge to roll your eyes at an "old timer's" commentary. All that and an Oklahoma drawl that I never tire of for some reason.
 The Art of Wrestling

ROH alumni and former Second City Saint Colt Cabana hosts a show that doubles as an interview podcast and a road diary of his travels. Colt always puts it on front street, and isn't afraid to air his grievances about being a part of what can be a shady and ruthless business. His interviews often divert away from the action in the ring and focuses on the plight of struggling wrestlers on the climb. His "Song of the Week" segment has also introduced me to many bands I may have never heard of otherwise, and yes, every song is wrestling themed. I don't find his Chicago accent as enjoyable as Ross's southern twang, but that's just personal preference.
T.J.R. Podcast

John Canton is easily my favorite fan commentator in the world of wrestling. He's been writing about wrestling for well over a decade and his weekly Raw review, The John Report, is the very first thing I look at after a show, or if I miss a show entirely. He's dutiful, even-keeled, and has great theories about how to book angles and set up matches. He's one of the only talking heads on the internet that doesn't reek of fanboyism, and sometimes I really think the WWE should hire him on to their creative team. The podcast features himself and other contributors to the site discussing all of the week's events, both on screen and backstage. His Canadian accent is slightly more bearable than Colt's Chicago accent, but not as great as Ross's.
Cheap Popcast

Part of Chris Antista's Laser Time network of pop culture podcasts, the Cheap Popcast is not for the faint of heart. Hosted by Dave of Laser Time fame, the show runs through all the current angles and storylines with wit and a ruthless edge. Henry Gilbert, who used to co-pilot show isn't around as much and the episodes have been less and less frequent, but as long as they came to make them, I'll endeavor to listen. Due to language and occasional subject matter, this is the only show on my list I'd have to label NSFW.

There are other wrestling podcasts I check in on from time to time, like Talk Is Jericho and Pro Wrestling Torch's show, but those are the key four. Occasionally, Stone Cold Steve Austin will have an interesting guest, but most of the time he delves into non-wrestling subject matter, and while I'm sure Steve is a man of many interests, I really just want to hear the Bionic Rattlesnake talk about rasslin'.

Do you have any favorite wrestling podcasts that I didn't list? I'm always up for suggestions! Thanks for reading and I'll be back tomorrow with some Lucha Underground thoughts and squiggles.

Twitter: @ChrisBComics

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